
General information:

Enviro-Syn® BSD-40™ is a high-performance NORM scale dissolver and descaler designed to efficiently remove sulfate scale with a unique ability to dissolve extremely high amounts of barium sulfate scales.

BaSO4 causes formation damage; reducing production, hosts bacteria, fouls piping, tanks and process equipment all greatly reducing the profitability for your operations.



  • Down-hole scaling issues.
  • Production well near wellbore damage from barite based mud systems.
  • Heat exchangers / pipelines.
  • On-shore / Off-shore topside processing and production treatments.
  • Industrial boiler systems.
  • Geothermal well scale treatments
  • Separators / Hydrocyclones / degasser treatments.
  • Injection well treatments.



Enviro-Syn® BSD-40™ is not corrosive to metal or typical oilfield elastomers and seals.


 Value add / benefits

  • Increased production / revenue.
  • Non-damaging to formation / cost effective.
  • Non-damaging to metal surfaces and seals.
  • Reduced logistics vs low effectiveness products. High dissolution vs competition.
  • Premium HE&E profile
  • Concentrate options to reduce shipping offshore costs.
  • Reduce mechanical remediation operation times.
  • Decreased decommissioning timeline / costs.
  • Dissolves Strontium & Calcium sulfates.
  • Global distribution / manufacturing sites.


Specifications (concentrate)

  • Appearance: Colorless liquid.
  • Specific Gravity: 1.13 – 1.17
  • Freezing Point: -250 C.
  • Boiling Point: ~>1100 C.
  • pH: ~10.5 to 11
  • Flash Point: >1000 C..
  • Solubility: Highy soluble in water.
  • Shelf Life: 1 year
  • Thermal Ceiling: ~1300 C

Health, Safety & Environment

  • BSD-40 has a pH between 10.5 and 11. Far below typical barium dissolving chemistry making exposure less of a risk for personnel
  • Enviro-Syn BSD-40 should be stored long term in sealed drums or IBC totes. Fittings and valves should be HDPE, brass, or stainless steel.

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