HCR 7000
General information:
HCR-7000 is part of the “Environmentally Responsible” Modified Acid™ product line that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates and negative HS&E properties of HCl while maintaining the positive aspects of solubilizing ability and reactivity rates.
HCR-7000 is a powerful, low fuming Modified Acid™ that has similar solubilizing abilities of 15% HCl (concentrate) and can be enhanced through the addition of conventional oilfield chemistry.
Features and benefits
- Non-corrosive to skin tissue (concentrate) (3rd party testing).
- Ultra-low long term corrosion effects.
- Clear; Ultra-low-fuming / vapor pressure.
- Aggressive reaction rates vs typical modified or synthetic acid systems for spearheads, stimulations and
workovers. - Compatible with typical elastomers used in oil and gas.
- Class 1 acid package.
- Adjust concentrations on the fly to target optimal pay zones.
- High thermal stability to ~1900 C..
Physical Data
- Appearance: Amber liquid.
- Specific Gravity: 1.105.
- Freezing Point: -500 C..
- Boiling Point: >1000 C..
- pH: <0.5
- Odor: Slight
- Salinity: ~3248%.
- Solubility: 100% in water.
- Thermal stability: 1900 C.
- Shelf Life: >1 year
- CaMg(CO3)2 Solubility: ~190 kg/ m3
- CaCO3 Solubility: ~216 kg/ m3
- FeS Solubility: ~170 kg/ m3
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