von Mark Platje | Nov. 30, 2023
Eric van der Kruk is present during the World Nuclear Exhibition in Paris Our Radiation Protection Expert Eric van der Kruk is present the coming days during the World Nuclear Exhibition in Paris #wne2023. Eric is representing the NORM decontamination & waste...
von Mark Platje | Okt. 19, 2023
Cleanstream auf der Recycling-Messe Während der bevorstehenden #tradefairRecycling wird unser Peter im Rahmen des Wissensprogramms eine Erklärung zum Thema “Umgang mit Quecksilber und quecksilberhaltigen Materialien und Produkten” abgeben. Cleanstream ist...
von Mark Platje | Feb. 25, 2021
Cleanstream opens office in Germany Cleanstream has opened an office in Schmölln, Germany as CLEANSTREAM Deutschland GmbH. This German presence is managed by Steven Kahnwald who is radiation protection expert for more than 16 years.We can now offer the full consulting...
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